What to Expect When You Visit
The chapel where we meet each week.
We start our service at 6pm with a welcome and announcements. We’ll have a time of worship that includes singing, prayer and sometimes quiet meditation. Each week we’ll have all the words to the songs and one version of the Lord’s prayer. We hope you will find it easy to follow along. Please feel free to participate as little or as much as you prefer!
We observe an open table for communion, which means everyone without exception is invited to receive the bread and cup, which for us is the body and blood of Christ. A blessing over the communion elements happens, followed by distribution of communion. Stay in your seat and Dr. Ben will bring communion to you.
During our service, we observe a time of Joys and Concerns when we thank God and ask for God’s help and blessing. You are welcome to add your own prayers or pray silently. We don’t pass an offering basket, but there are connection cards and offering envelopes at the entrance of the chapel (you can give those to Dr. Ben). You can also use the QR codes during the announcements to make a donation or join our mailing list.
After the service, we tidy up our mess, plan for the new week, and share some time with each other. Some people go out and grab late dinner together, while others get home and prepare for Monday!
Hopefully this helps prepare you, but don’t hesitate to contact us prior if you have any other questions.